
Showing posts from November, 2016

FARMS Visit to Moldova in 2016

My wife Pat and I (Joe) had the privilege of visiting our program in Moldova this past spring. It was a fascinating trip. Our missionary liaisons, Ghiorghi and Cristiana Cazacu took us from northern Moldova to the southern border of the country. It is a beautiful country with rolling hills and rich farmland. Along the way we visited several of the families with existing FARMS projects and other families that need our assistance. A Baptist pastor gathering feed for his goats Moldova and Albania rank together as the poorest countries in Europe. Life in Moldova is extremely difficult, and signs of poverty are abundant. It is a common sight to see rows of men and women cultivating large fields with hand hoes; reminiscent of farming in America over a century ago! Good jobs are nearly non-existent, forcing many of the young and educated to leave the country. The costs of basic necessities are high and fuel is extremely costly. Horse drawn carts are a common sight. The average wage of a

Update from Executive Director - Combatting Weariness

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus! “And let us not be weary in well doing:…” Galatians 6:9. Why did God inspire Paul to write these words? I think deep down, we all know the answer. God’s children are his instruments of love and mercy in a fallen world. If we don’t do good, who will? Also, the rest of the verse reveals the promise. “…for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Weariness is a common malady, of all those that do good. It fosters the temptation to give up. The many needs we are confronted with overwhelm us at times. Therefore, we all need this reminder not to grow weary. A Filipino FARMS loan recipient in his corn field  As the Executive Director for FARMS International, I see and hear about needs all the time. I love my work, the ministry, and those we serve, but I too sense weariness at times. Sometime ago, I set up my screen saver to go randomly through my photos from my visits overseas; what great therapy! Those faces, those smiles, those famili